Arriva Leopard

Tiger non poteva avvalersi degli annunci in diretta Twitter:

Time to start up the 10.6 rumor machine.

Via Twitter / John Gruber

Esce il 26 ottobre. Cominciamo a togliere l’essenziale, fare l’ultimo backup prima di Time Machine. Ordinare nuova ram o pensare se cambiare macchina direttamente.

E naturalmente aspettiamoci la 10.5.1 qualche giorno dopo…

iToner: il carica suonerie per iPhone

Custom Ringtones for your iPhone via iToner:

ROCHESTER, New York — August 31, 2007 — Ambrosia Software, Inc. today announced the release of iToner 1.0.0, a utility that allows you to put custom ringtones onto your iPhone! For the first time ever on Mac OS X, easily transfer any of your MP3 or AAC audio files to your iPhone, and enjoy them as custom ringtones.

(Via Ambrosia Software, Inc. News.)

La prima utility Ambrosia che non posso testare per mancanza di hardware.

Dal filmato sulla pagina di iToner, sembra la consueta genialata Ambrosia a colpi di drag and drop. Così facile che anche Apple sembra averci pensato, stando agli ultimi rumor da verificare la prossima settimana.

Apple stravolge iMovie

Apple Takes a Step Back With iMovie ’08 – Pogue’s Posts – Technology – New York Times Blog:

IMovie ‘08, on the other hand, has been totally misnamed. It’s not iMovie at all. In fact, it’s nothing like its predecessor and contains none of the same code or design. It’s designed for an utterly different task, and a lot of people are screaming bloody murder.

(Via Pogue’s Posts.)

Credo che la consueta recensione per Applicando sarà più pepata del solito…

Addio, AppleWorks e grazie

Apple cans AppleWorks – Mac software – Macworld UK:

Apple told resellers of the demise of AppleWorks last week, announcing that the software had reached “End of Life” status. It will no longer be sold. The AppleWorks website now directs users to the iWork section of Apple’s website.

The original AppleWorks was written by Robert Lissner and released in 1984 by Apple for the Apple II family of computers, and at one point was the biggest-selling software package in the industry.

(Via Macworld UK.)

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