Daring Fireball: Macworld Expo 2009 Predictions

Daring Fireball: Macworld Expo 2009 Predictions: UPDATED APPLE TV — Yes. I expect new hardware, but probably nothing radically new other than increased storage space. But it’ll be in the keynote as a signal that Apple is serious about this market.


The iPhone was an instant hit, but the iPod wasn’t. Apple grew the iPod from a Mac-only peripheral into a cultural sensation slowly but steadily over three or four years. I think they have a similar long-term plan for Apple TV. And in large part Apple — along with every other hardware maker — is hobbled by the limitations of what content the movie studios will allow them to distribute.

Come di consueto nell’analisi finale delle previsioni pre-MacWorld di John Gruber la parte più interessante non è il cosa ma il perché delle possibili scelte di Apple: le strategie di mercato e la tipica linea di pensiero Apple dovrebbero insegnare qualcosa a tutti i nuovi fan pronti ad esclamare “che figata” o “che stronzata”.

Lo stesso dicasi per i detrattori incalliti.

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