Mancanza di rivoluzione italiana

A rebellion is a revolution without a vision. Italians, probably, don’t really need a rebellion. They need a shared vision based on facts and reality (not on ideology and reality shows): a deep cultural change, that helps them to understand their shared project, that helps rebuild a perspective and that makes them look ahead with an empirically based hope. They know they will have to work hard. And they usually do, when they know for what they are working. Thought, art and culture are to change. A rebellion is an act. A deep cultural change is a movement that is needed to transform the eventual act of a rebellion in the process of a constructive and generous revolution.

The case for an Italian rebellion. Why it doesn’t happen. And what could happen – Luca De Biase

Un lungo post di analisi delle aspirazioni politiche degli Italiani impantanate nell’impotenza del presente (And cynism leads to terror or to helplessness. We had terror in the past. Now we are experiencing helplessness).

Ci sono diversi spunti di riflessione, su come siamo e su perché siamo così. Magari un punto di partenza per smettere di essere così.

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